Automatic Retrofit Kits

We all understand the importance of cleanliness in our homes and places of business. When it comes to our bathroom facilities, we understand that their condition can really tell a lot about the occupants, and that's why every home and business owner strives to keep their bath and toilet facilities spic and span.
One of the newest and most effective bathroom sanitation solutions is the automatic flusher. It is steadily growing in popularity as the ultimate solution to messy bathroom facilities across the world, with brands such a Sloan leading the way in this new era of sanitary consciousness. Here's a quick look at what an effective automatic flusher can bring to your restrooms, whether public or private.
Improved Sanitary Conditions
This is the first and most obvious benefit to be had. Consider public restrooms in particular. They receive a whole lot more visitors than private residential restrooms will see, and so it follows that they handle a great deal more waste matter. The danger with a faulty or inefficient flushing system can quickly grow to horrifying proportions, something which no self-respecting business should ever allow to happen.
Even where the flushing systems work well, there is still the increased risk of spreading germs and other harmful materials, possibly leading to contamination and disease. With automatic flush urinals and toilets, waste matter is flushed away immediately and completely, without requiring the use of hands which might help the spread of contaminants.
Increased Economic Efficiency
The automatic flush systems provided by manufacturers such as Sloan are designed to consume less water than mechanical systems, saving you on water costs. The reasonably priced systems will pay for themselves relatively quickly, leaving you free to enjoy your overhead savings for a long time to come.
Longer Lifespans
Due to the fact that automatic flush systems do not require any mechanical input by hand (or even feet, sometimes) to function, they are at a much lower risk of the wear and tear mechanical systems endure, and which shorten their working life-span.
User Friendliness
Bathroom operations can be a little bit tricky, especially in the case of children, the elderly, or the disabled. Automatic flush systems make many orders of magnitude easier for those with conditions such joint pains, arthritis, or injuries to comfortably use the facilities, which would be difficult or impossible with mechanical systems.
Water Conservation
Automatic flush systems are designed to use less water than mechanical systems for two main reasons. For one, the sensors installed in them cause them to only activate when the detect movement, rather than automatically flushing after a set time interval, so there should be no fear of water going to waste when nobody is using the facilities. Second, the possibility of double-flushing, which is a major cause of bathroom-water wastage, is eliminated due to the system's operational setting of not activating twice consecutively.